PPC for eCommerce

Drive traffic to your website and increase profit by adding pay-per-click advertisement to your marketing strategy.
Jon Cogan
September 21, 2022

How do you get a return of almost 200% for every dollar you invest in pay-per-click (PPC) marketing? The answer lies in partnering with the experts to optimize your eCommerce ads instead of learning along the way. Why?

Online advertising seems deceptively simple, but is actually very complicated. You can find tools that make it easy to create and post advertisements with search engines or on social media. However, these simple advertisements won’t impress most consumers in a saturated marketing world, and as such, you will have a harder (or more expensive) time reaching them. You must carefully target and tweak your e-Commerce marketing campaigns to win them over.

What is PPC in Marketing? A Simple Explanation of Digital Ads for eCommerce

For those asking, “What is PPC in marketing?” The answer is Pay-Per-Click advertising. This may be achieved through:

  • Search engine adverts at the top of search results, like in Google Adwords
  • Social media ad campaigns on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat and Pinterest. We run most social ad campaigns on a CPM bid model rather than PPC, but there are some cases where PPC is a good model on the social platforms that offer it, like Facebook. 
  • Pay-for-play deals with bloggers and website managers for advertising space on their page
  • Advertising platforms or campaigns linking through search engines to various websites
  • Advertisers select their target audience, create their ads, and then agree to pay a fee for views of the ads when someone clicks on them or performs the requisite action.

What are the Benefits of Pay-Per-Click Marketing?

The benefits of PPC for eCommerce include:

  • Setting your own budget and specifying a maximum
  • Instant results on how campaigns perform
  • A consistent supply of traffic even for new sites
  • Better brand awareness in a few quick steps
  • The ability to deliver targeted advertising to your preferred audience
  • The ability to re-target traffic that has interacted with your eCommerce website or with the ads themselves.

PPC for eCommerce: How Does it Work?

The simplest way to start is to sign up for an advertiser account through Google Ads, Bing Ads, or if you want to run PPC on social, Facebook Ads Manager is the best place to start. You create your campaigns and set your overall budget. You will then bid on how much to pay for each action someone takes. 

While managing costs, you also need to make your adverts valuable to the search engines or their partners. The higher the price you pay-per-click, the more profitable and desirable it becomes.

Overpaying makes campaigns notoriously expensive while underpaying leads to mediocre results. Striking the correct balance is notoriously difficult for beginners. Partnering with professionals is the best way to get the best returns.

 eCommerce Marketing Tips for a Successful PPC Strategy

Everything you need to know about e-Commerce marketing is online. There are several helpful tutorials if you have the time to weed them out. The difficulty is that there is also much outdated and conflicting information out there.

Unless you're in the industry, it's difficult to understand the latest marketing trends. You could waste time and money on a less than optimal PPC Strategy. Worse is the opportunity cost - every mediocre campaign causes you to miss potentially good leads.

PPC for eCommerce is a complex blend of marketing expertise and technical know-how. By partnering with The eCommerce Quarterback, you can leverage our skills for impactful, successful campaigns.

Contact us today to schedule your free appointment and discuss improving your PPC for eCommerce results.

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