Why Your Amazon Sales Rank is Important and How to Improve It

Help prospective customers discover your products by improving your Amazon sales rank.
Jon Cogan
December 15, 2022

If you're looking to get more sales on Amazon, there are few ways more effective than improving your Amazon sales rank. If you've been selling on Amazon for a while, you've almost definitely heard of it before. But do you know what it is or how it affects your sales on the online retailer?

A positive Amazon sales rank makes it easier for prospective customers to find your business, so it's essential to a thriving Amazon business.

In this guide, we'll answer the question, "what is an Amazon sales rank?" and explain why it's essential and how to improve yours.

What Is Amazon Seller Rank?

On Amazon, your seller rank determines whether or not a product you sell is popular. A good seller ranking means that your products do well, and a poor ranking means people aren't buying what you're selling. So what's a good sales rank on Amazon? Lower is better: the best-selling item in any product category is #1, the second-best is ranked 2, and so on.

Amazon bases the ranking on several factors including: 

  • Product relevance: Your product listing must be optimized with relevant keywords so that searchers can find products relevant to their search.
  • Conversion rate: Your historical sales and customers buying your product after finding it in search improve your ranking.
  • Customer satisfaction: Good reviews and few returns boost your Amazon sales rank.

If you're wondering how to find sales rank on Amazon, go to the product's detail page under "Best Seller's Rank" near the end of the listing.

How Do I Improve My Amazon Sales Rank?

Now that you know what your Amazon sales rank means, you're probably wondering how to boost your products' rankings. Here are a few ways to improve your sales rank and sell more of your inventory.

1. Upload Clear, Quality Product Images

Present your product in the best possible light with high-definition photographs:

  • Up to three images showing the product against a neutral background
  • Up to 7 "lifestyle" photos showing people using your product

Videos are also a great way of enticing customers

2. Write Easy-to-Search Titles

Titles are the first things customers see when looking at an Amazon product. A title that explains your product clearly and is easy to search for should always be a high priority. Include your brand name, the product's name, and a few features of the product (size, colour, model, etc.)

3. Create Positive and Informative Product Descriptions

How often have you passed on an Amazon product because the description left out important information? Make sure to give detailed information that puts your product in a positive light in the product information.

Put the most important information in bullet points, and use charts and graphs to show product stats, uses, and effectiveness.

Ranking High with an eCommerce Team

Navigating Amazon's rankings can be tricky, so it never hurts to have some help. 

Here at The E-commerce Quarterback, we're ready to take your Amazon sales rank to the next level with customized digital marketing solutions. Give us a call at (877) 326-6360 today to increase your monthly sales.

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