Instagram as a Platform: How to Make Your Feed and Stories Shoppable

Reach your target consumer quickly and effectively with Instagram's shopping features.
Jon Cogan
October 6, 2021

Do you sell products on your website? If not, it's time to start. Instagram may be the next big e-commerce platform after all. Many e-commerce marketing experts have long acknowledged Instagram's potential as a social media marketing platform. However, few people are fully utilizing the new features.

If you're looking to sell more on Instagram, the platform's shopping capabilities go beyond simply advertising on it. You may make your stories and feed shoppable by setting up a mobile shop that links directly into your e-commerce system using Instagram's Shopping features.

In-app shopping on Instagram

The newest improvements in Instagram allow you to post a product catalog, then link product information into your Instagram Ads and posts.

You'll be able to label the items in your photographs, videos, and stories. Instagram users can learn more about your highlighted product, bookmark it, save it, view it on a product details page, and of course, purchase it on your e-commerce website with just a few clicks.

Is Instagram Shopping is suitable for my brand?

Different consumer demographics have different routes through the purchase decision process. And each group has its approach of finding enticing new goods: some stay up late watching TV, others talk with their friends, and still, others spend time surfing on their phones.

Examine your consumer personas (or create some if you don't have any) to assist your staff in fully comprehending who your customers are, how they use their mobile phones, and how they're likely to shop.

In addition, just because your Facebook ROI is substantial doesn't imply Instagram will follow suit. While some consumers utilize both social networks regularly, Instagram has a distinct user base. People use various platforms to fulfill different needs; for example, they may communicate with friends and family on Facebook, but they interact with the companies they adore on Instagram.

Before you start any Instagram test campaign, make sure you know who you're targeting, why they're the right audience for your business, and what types of activities you're tapping into. This will aid in the prevention of costly marketing blunders.

Instagram shopping campaign types

If you choose to use Instagram to sell your items, there are numerous options available. Shopping on Instagram offers several e-commerce features that extend the formats you're used to, including interactivity that allows interested mobile consumers to connect with and eventually buy your items.

Shopping in Instagram images

Users can click on a tag allowing them to save the product for later. Or they can visit an Instagram products page that takes them to your e-commerce website. Tagging up to five items in a single Instagram image post, as Instagram allows, is very useful. These helpful tags notify consumers that these goods may be purchased and reveal the item's price and availability.

Shopping in Instagram carousels

Product tags in Instagram image carousels allow you to showcase up to 10 individual photos, tag items, and link them to an Instagram featured products page. This then leads to shoppable sites on your website.

Shopping in Instagram stories

Instagram Stories are short videos and pictures that appear in users' Stories feed. Marketers can use the power of Stories to promote a product by placing an Instagram promoted products link within the video. Users may save the product, check it out on the featured products page, and go to your e-commerce site to purchase as they would with the other options.

Shopping in interactive Instagram stories

Instagram's newest ad format allows marketers to engage their followers by integrating polls and other components into their photo and video stories. Shopping in interactive Instagram stories ads functions the same as on a regular Instagram story - simply include a sticker that promotes your product and directs users to the Instagram featured goods page before directing them to your website.

Shopping in Instagram videos

It is also possible to tag items in your Instagram videos, like tagging a product in an Instagram image. When people click on a hashtag in an Instagram video, they are taken to a list of the featured goods that link to your e-commerce website.

Shopping in Instagram Explore

The Explore page on Instagram is a popular feature that allows you to search for things according to your interests via tabs. With the introduction of the new Shop tab, Instagram users can browse goods categorized by category, see a product on an Instagram featured products page, and then purchase it on your website.

How to feature products in Instagram Shopping

Once you've figured out what your target consumers do on Instagram and devised a plan to attract and convert them, here are the basic steps for making your Instagram product feed shoppable:

  • Make sure your company has a Facebook Page.
  • Create a Facebook Business Manager account.
  • Make a Facebook Product Catalog
  • Be sure your Instagram account is set up as a company profile.
  • Link your Instagram account to your company's Facebook page.
  • Link your Instagram business profile using Catalog Manager to your Facebook Catalog.
  • In the Instagram app, sign up for shopping by going to Settings Business & Shopping on Instagram.
  • Go to Settings Business & Shopping on the Instagram app and sign up for shopping
  • Start adding Shopping tags and stickers to your posts and stories once Instagram approves your application.

Keep it interesting

Remember, your consumer base is not being forced to visit Instagram. They're there because they like it. If putting your goods on display makes their day brighter, you might get some business from the network's savvy and wealthy user base. Continue creating engaging tales about your business online; the eyes, likes, and dollars will surely follow.

Need Help?

In search of more help with advertising products on Instagram and Facebook? We can assist you in reaching your target audience quickly. Contact us HERE

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