Five Tips to Increase Conversion Through Text Messages

Improve mobile engagement and drive purchases by adding text message marketing to your eCommerce marketing strategy.
Jon Cogan
December 12, 2022

When you get a text message, what is your first inclination? As long as you aren’t driving, it’s probably to see who it’s from and read it. However, if you receive a call from a number you don’t know, you may simply let it ring or silence it.

SMS messages are an ideal way to get your customers' attention. People often ignore other forms of communication like email marketing, but few disregard text, and businesses have been taking notice, sending more and more text messages year after year.

With SMS conversion rates making text messaging a more attractive option for marketing, how can you make the most of it? Let's take a look at how to increase conversion through text messages.

Improving Your SMS Marketing Conversion

While text message marketing is a good step forward for businesses, there are a few ways to increase conversion through text messages. Here are some of the best ways to improve your SMS marketing campaigns and find more success with text conversion.

1. Put Your Brand Front And Center

You want customers to know who is marketing to them. This rule is especially crucial with SMS marketing.

From a customer's perspective, all they see when receiving a text message is that a random number has contacted them. Announce up-front who you are and why you are reaching out.

2. Write Clearly and with Proper Syntax

Texting has its dialect and informal language. However, be careful overusing this in a business context. Avoid using texting abbreviations, as it looks unprofessional. Using emojis sparingly can hook the reader's interest but keep them to a minimum.

It’s essential to use proper spelling when sending marketing texts. With scams being as common as they are, people know to be wary of improper grammar or spelling.

3. Make It Short and Sweet

While customers are more likely to look at a text over a call or another marketing channel, they don’t want to read a dissertation. Make any text you send relatively short and to the point. If the customer is engaged, they will reply. 

4. Don’t Overdo It

If you’ve ever dealt with a persistent salesperson, you know how annoying it can get. Don’t do that to your customer. Marketing works if the customer is interested, so don’t hound them for confirmation. 

5. Always Be Closing

The classic sales mantra rings true for texts. Remember that you aren’t sending out texts to make friends. It’s a business transaction, so the point is to sell your product or service.

Be cordial, but keep things direct. If a customer gives you their information, they are interested in what you have to offer.

Reach Your Customers with eCommerce Expertise

To further increase your marketing efficiency, our dedicated team at The eCommerce Quarterback is ready. Switching marketing strategies can be a strenuous task, and we’re here to help make it easy.

To increase conversion through text messages, give us a call at (877) 326-6360 today.

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