6 Ingredients for eCommerce Products Pages That Will Convert Like Crazy!

Want to create product pages that convert like crazy? Check out episode 5 of the Huddle where I explore the six ingredients to building the perfect product page!
Jon Cogan
March 11, 2022

There are some foundational tactics every brand should implement with their product pages so that they are optimized to convert into sales.

1. What Makes Your eCommerce Products Special?

Remember to think about the transformation principle of product marketing -

"No one wants your product. They want the results your product promises."

Make sure your USP (unique selling proposition) is clearly defined and told in a cohesive way using product copy, imagery and video.

2. Establish Trust

Include all your social proof in the form of reviews and UGC images and video, placed strategically on your product page in order to establish the trust of the consumer. Other trust signals include:

  • Awards and accreditations
  • Money back guarantees
  • Limited or lifetime warranties
  • Easy return policies
  • Free shipping
  • Website security features

3. Expand the Customer Experience

Don't just rest on the laurels of your product page template in the theme you may be using. Expand with pertitent information that will help knock down obstacles to conversion and drive add-to-carts. Some examples include:

  • FAQs
  • Ingredients list
  • Size charts
  • Research studies

4. Easy Customer Experience

Keep the user experience super easy for your customer so it is very clear how to get the product in the cart, and the information needed to make a purchase decision is easy to find. Follow an organizational hierarchy that aligns with the customer journey.

5. Enrich the Customer Experience

Customers can't touch, taste or smell products being sold in your eCommerce store. Make the visual experience as compelling as possible. Some ways of doing this include:

  • Product image zoom
  • 3D Renderings
  • Augmented Reality (AR)

6. Make Your Product Pages eCommerce SEO Friendly

Make sure your product pages load quickly and efficiently and look good across all devices, especially on mobile devices. Include keywords and phrases consumers use when searching for your product. The result will an influx of traffic with purchase intent for your products.

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