11 eCommerce Marketing Tips for a Prosperous 2023

Help your brand navigate the evolving eCommerce industry and ensure a prosperous 2023 with these eCommerce marketing tips.
Jon Cogan
January 30, 2023

Research eCommerce platforms

User friendly eCommerce platforms like Shopify have made starting an online business easier than ever. If you are thinking about launching an eCommerce website, it is important to determine which platform will be the best fit for your business. Currently, the most popular eCommerce platforms in the US are WooCommerce, Magento, and Shopify. The most important factors to keep in mind when selecting an eCommerce platform are your business objectives and customer needs. You should also take into account room for growth, running costs, customer engagement tools, and available services.


Build a Proper eCommerce SEO Strategy

Developing an effective search engine optimization strategy is essential to improving the visibility and discoverability of your eCommerce business. A good SEO strategy will drive traffic to your website, leading to more sales and increased revenue. When creating SEO content, it is best to target customers at different points in their decision-making process. Examples of SEO content include how-to guides, infographics, blog posts and videos.


Optimize for Mobile

With more and more people shopping via their phone, it is important that your website is mobile friendly. Make sure your website can adapt to different screen sizes and is responsive on both mobile and desktop. Test your website using a real mobile device and run all user scenarios to identify any potential problems. To ensure your customers can browse effortlessly, you should be testing regularly as you update content on your website.  


Take an Omnichannel Marketing Approach

Omnichannel marketing is the process of using various channels to interact with consumers, such as email marketing, social media, and SMS. Omnichannel marketing provides more ways for potential customers to discover and interact with your brand, ultimately leading to increased traffic and sales. Omnichannel marketing also increases customer retention and boosts customer lifetime value.


Utilize Marketplaces

Reaching prospective customers can be one of the most difficult parts of running an eCommerce business. Marketplaces, such as Amazon and Etsy, make it easier to acquire new customers by placing your product in front of consumers who may not have heard of your product otherwise. Established marketplaces also have a built-in trust factor. First-time buyers are more likely to feel confident purchasing via a marketplace than an eCommerce website they are unfamiliar with.


Make Your Posts Shoppable

Shoppable posts enable customers to purchase featured items directly from their social media app. Shoppable posts streamline the shopping process for customers, eliminating moments of hesitancy which can lead to cart abandonment. Shoppable posts also provide you with more data for your business. For example, you can use click through rates to evaluate which products and images are most effective at attracting consumers.


Invest in Google Shopping Ads

Google dominates search engine use with more than 3.5 billion searches processed every day. Google shopping ads are an effective and affordable way to drive traffic to your eCommerce site and increase sales. Google shopping ads provide customers with key information about your product, like product name, brand name, price and rating, without them having to leave the results page. Google shopping ads are also visually appealing, making them more memorable than regular search ads.


Personalize your Content  

Personalization is one of the most effective ways to capture a customer’s attention. Personalization is a common tactic used in email marketing campaigns. However, you can also personalize your eCommerce website by tailoring your content based on customer data. For example, you can personalize which items are displayed on your bestsellers page by using popularity, browsing history and location data.


Enhance your Customers’ Experience with AR

AR is an immersive technology that blends physical reality with virtual elements. One of the most well-known forms of AR is snapchat filters. A growing number of brands are incorporating AR into their online shopping experience. For example, Ikea has created the IKEA Place app, which lets users virtually ‘place’ IKEA products in their space. AR allows customers to feel confident in their purchasing decision. According to research by Deloitte Digital and Snapchat, “interacting with products that have AR experiences leads to a 94% higher conversion rate, as individuals can better assess them and feel connected with brands.”


Create Video Content

Video is a very powerful marketing tool. According to Hubspot, 54% of consumers want to see more video content from brands and businesses they support. Along with increasing brand awareness, video content can also increase user understanding of a product or service, leading to higher levels of customer satisfaction. Popular video content types include tutorials, product reviews, founder interviews and video testimonials.


Work with Micro-Influencers

Working with micro-influencers is an affordable and effective way to reach prospective customers. Micro-influencers have a built-in audience of highly engaged followers who trust their recommendations. Because micro-influencers are often viewed as more trustworthy than large influencers, celebrities, or traditional advertisements, they often yield more impactful results. Micro-influencers can also be a great source of constructive feedback as they try out your products and see the response from their audience. Additionally, content created through partnering with a micro-influencer can be reused on your website and social media. When choosing which micro-influencers to work with, ensure their following aligns with your target audience and their content compliments your brand identity and voice.


Determining your 2023 eCommerce Marketing Strategy

Our team of experts can help you develop an effective eCommerce marketing strategy for a successful and profitable 2023. Book a free strategy session today.

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